
FFA members give of their time and talents to grow the next generation of agriculturalists.
State FFA Convention - May 1-3, 2011.

Friday, July 30, 2010

FFA= Excellent Events + Awesome Adventures

Region Leadership Conference- Region II (July 21)

Early this last week, I traveled up to Staples-Motley High School to be a part of the RLC in Region II. After spending a night at my Grandma's house and eating some great food I got up early Wednesday morning to get ready for my presentation that day. About thirty chapter officers from across the region were in attendance. I was first on the agenda for the day of fun and learning with a presentation on recruitment. The rest of the day included Dustin Smith, former Region II President, presenting on State Degrees and SAEs, team building activities, breakout sessions, an awesome lunch, and so much more. It was a great opportunity to catch up with some members that came to SGLC or SLCCL and make some new friends. Thank you Region II for inviting me up for this event, I had a great time!

Minnesota FFA Foundation Golf Tournament (July 22)

Last Thursday, Liz, Kirsten, Erin, and myself traveled to Cannon Falls for the annual Golf Tournament held by the FFA Foundation. Several officers from Region VIII were there to help as well; Shawna, Heather, and Jared. Upon arriving we were sent out to fill the golf carts with goodies including some free golf balls and tees and a sack lunch. The participants in the Tournament included a variety of sponsors and supporters of FFA. After everyone had arrived some of us were sent to holes where we talked to sponsors and offered them deals. For example, Liz and I were at hole 16 and we gave golfers the chance to double their money. They could give us five dollars and if they made it on the green in one shot they would get ten dollars back, but if they did not make it on the green we would keep the five. There were many other contests for the golfers including longest drive and closest to the pin. After the golfing was done there was a banquet with a dinner. Trophies and awards were given out along with a raffle of many cool items. But before we drove to the banquet hall Liz, Jared, and I had to hit a few off the tee on the driving range and I ended up splattered with mud. The whole day was a blast!!
New U of M President (July 27)
Erin and I had the privilege of going to Kevin Paap's, President of Minnesota Farm Bureau, house for a meeting of the state board for Farm Bureau and many people from the agricultural industry. Kevin invited two of the Board of Regents to his house along with the Dean of CFANS (College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Al Levine, to discuss what agriculture needs/wants in the new U of M President to be decided upon this fall. First was the Farm Bureau asking questions and giving their input while the Board of Regents and the Dean were speaking. Next representatives from a variety of industries within agriculture arrived including MN Turkey Growers, MN Corn Growers, and MN Pork Producers among many others. Erin and I were there to listen to the discussion and it was a great opportunity to meet with a variety of people within agriculture. It was really interesting to learn about the process for selecting the new U of M President and what qualities they are looking for. Plus Erin and I met some awesome peop

One more thing! -- I would also like to mention that is has been fun helping the HLWW FFA members landscape at our high school for our summer program.

Farmfest is this week! Hope to see a lot of you there!

Stationed by the Door,
Justin Crowley

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

FFA Day With The Minnesota Twins: A Day of Firsts!

When the blue skies of July 18th rolled around, I knew that we were in for a big day. Twins vs. White Sox, Target Field, and FFA members- you couldn't ask for a better combination! With this combination, there were also many firsts:
  • The first time FFA Day with the Twins was held at Target Field
  • The first time we tried the new "Dugout Dog" instead of the "Dome Dog"
  • The first time we adventured down a "Buses Only" road (with permission of course)
  • The first time meeting state officers from North Dakota, who came just for the Twins game
  • The first time I had ever in person seen such a great game!
With each of these firsts, we also had the opportunity to visit with many members from across the state that we hadn't seen since State Convention or even the two days since SLCCL and two weeks since SGLC. We also met many former members from places such as Colorado, California, and of course, Minnesota.Members from across the state!
From left: Emily, Sarah, Nathan, Liz, Erin, Ed, Brad, Justin, Eric, and Jeff

FFA members such as Jade Kampsen (who was also at SLCCL!) threw out the first pitch, with a member from Nicollet singing the National Anthem. All five members involved in this did a great job, even throwing some strikes! During the 7th inning stretch, about fifteen more members sang "Take Me Out To The Ballgame," and some even had peanuts and crackerjack to go with it!

Oh, and I had better mention that we watched some baseball too. It was a great game, with the Twins down 3 to 6 going into the bottom of the 9th. They scored four runs with 0 outs to finish the game victorious, 7 to 6!

We had a blast at FFA Day with the Minnesota Twins, and hope to see you there next year!

Stationed by the ear of corn,
Erin Daninger

Saturday, July 17, 2010



FFA members from across the state gathered together at
Deep Portage in Hackensack to

during a week o
premier leadership, personal growth, and career success
at the 2010 State Leadership Conference for Chapter Leaders.

FFA members began to arrive around 10 AM on Monday morning and all were assembled by 12:30 PM (ahem, Region VIII bus :)).

  • Getting to know small group members through "Me-In-A-Box" and playing the first rounds of an AWESOME volleyball tournament
  • Singing various cartoon theme songs
  • Learning a proper handshake
  • Taking the tower hike and viewing beautiful Deep Portage reserve from 100+ feet!
  • Cabin chatting.
All about perso
nal growth. On Tuesday, chapter leaders discussed how to use their personal leadership styles to best work with our teams, manage our time, create a personal mission statement, and various opportunities available to us as individuals through FFA.
  • Canoeing and hitting the rock wall for the first time during rec
  • Power walking during TEAM CHALLENGES to prevent a 3 minute time delay for running
  • Watching the State Officer's version of "California Gurls", complete with plungers!
  • Winning some cash during the "Farming is Risky Business" break out session sponsored by the USDA
  • Reflecting on our first full day.

What makes a chapter good? This was the topic of discussion Wednesday as FFA members explored a career in Agricultural Education, learned stages of team development, and talked about ways to support our chapters through partnership.

  • Watching the "Morning News" and finding out we could take ninja lessons from our favorite Ninja Turtles
  • Meeting Ms. Seibert, a former State Officer, who is just beginning her career in Agricultural Education as the new teacher at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School
  • Teaching each other the five stages of team development through hilarious skits
  • Being surprised by Katie Zenk, the Minnesota National Officer Candidate, who spent two days of camp with us
  • Learning the Watermelon Crawl, watching the girls totally dominate the boys in watermelon eating contest, and chowing down on a favorite fruit.
"Living to serve", a key phrase in the FFA motto, was brought to life Thursday as we began to explore how we could impact our world through service.

  • Laying woodchips, painting picnic tables, controlling invasive species, staining decks, and cleaning up hiking trails during EPIC service projects with Deep Portage staff
  • Spending time with our chapters making plans for the coming year
  • Watching side-splittingly funny banquet skits, amazing talent acts, and "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
  • A final evening with our new friends, laughing about the week and hearing great stories
Looking back, the week seemed to have flown by for all of us. After some evaluating and letter writing, FFA members loaded vans, buses,
and cars to head home. Going home with lots of new knowledge and even more friends, SLCCL 2010 was definitely a success.

On behalf of the entire State Officer Team, I would like to thank you ALL for making this camp such a great experience. FFA members, you kept us on our toes and laughing all week; we most certainly had a blast and we hope you did, too!

Keep enjoying the sunshine and time with your chapters this summer. Stay in touch - we would love to hear what you are up to!

Stationed by the plow,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

State Greenhand Leadership Conference

Early on the morning of June 27th, 13 of us woke up to make the trek to Hackensack for SGLC (State Greenhand Leadership Conference). Some of us had an interesting trip up with NEAR accidents, adventures to fix a watch, and several people even had a conversation with the police. Sunday was spent putting up decorations and preparing for the arrival of nearly 130 Greenhand members. Decorations included a giant milk cartoon and cereal box to fit the theme of "FFA: The Experience of Champions."

Day 1 (Starting Your Day Right)
On Monday morning, members began to arrive and Deep Portage was rustling with excitement by noon. That afternoon we had a welcome with a skit from from the Region Presidents in which each of them dressed up as a character from a cereal box and Jason taught us about expectations/rules with a catchy song. "patty cake patty cake baker's man, lets make the week the best we can, pat it with respect, knead with E, conserve greatly, model it in, part-i-ci-pate, energy filled, keep this in mind for you and me" After the Deep Portage staff talked to us about their expectations, we started our first recreation time which occur every afternoon and evening while at camp. During recreation time we all have the opportunity to play in the volleyball tournament, climb the rock wall, go canoeing, go swimming, play basketball, or just walk around with friends. Rec time always goes by really fast and then it was time for flag lowering every night before supper. We had a session that included a technique of how to meet new people and some of the benefits/drawbacks of the meeting new people. The members had a chance to try out these new skills and meet some of their fellow campers by sharing their me-in-a-boxes (members bring several items that represent them in a box). After another rec time we had reflections from Hillary, Jared, Greg, and Liz. Their speeches covered how to start each day on the right note, staying positive, and making a conscious choice to make the best of every experience. Then we end every night with cabin chats. The first night we just went through our me-in-a-boxes with our rooms.

Day 2 (Choosing my Favorite Cereal- Personal Growth)

We started the second day with a flag raising ceremony just as we do every day. During breakfast a news crew came in every day to share the weather and sports in an entertaining fashion. After breakfast, there was a manners and etiquette session that covered items like how to fold your FFA jacket, proper OD, manners at the dinner table, and other general etiquette. Before lunch we had six different breakout sessions that covered FFA basics that the members went to. After lunch they chose two of the four breakout sessions on personal growth. During rec time the volleyball tournament began to heat up as we were entering the second round of the bracket. After flag lowering and another delicious meal provided by Deep Portage we had an awesome session of goal setting. The students had an opportunity to make some of their own goals after learning about SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). Reflections were by Jason, Maddie, and Eric. They spoke about how person growth works, finding a personal mission and following it, and to use mistakes as opportunities. During cabin chats the officers got to switch rooms and learn some new faces.

Day 3 (The Right Ingredients- Career Success)
By the third day we could see all the members opening up and they were getting comfortable with all their new friends at ca
mp. Morning festivities continued as usual before we got to the first session of SAE's. The members all filled out a project plans to start an SAE or what how they will be advancing one they already started. In the next session, the members took a look at agricultural education and what a total program is. Also, they wrote thank you notes to their ag teachers for all the work they have put in. That afternoon we had elections for the banquet committee. Around 40 members signed up to run for fifteen positions which was exciting to see. That night members chose to of the eight CDE breakout sessions to attend. During recreation we had watermelon feed and yet again the guy officers won the eating contest! Reflections were by me (Justin), Kirsten, Brittany, and Sabrina, who could not attend because of a band trip to Europe but she sent along a DVD to play. They were about learning from mistakes and being authentic. During cabin chats the guy and girl officers switched rooms to add an interesting twist.
Day 4 (Add a Little Sugar- Premier Leadership)
The first session of the day covered leadership. We worked on defining leadership and how each of us can be leaders. In addition, we broke into small groups and talked about mentors. Next we covered service learning including ways we can serve, who we serve, and barriers to be aware of when serving others. After lunch we had a friendly competition between all of the small groups that each of the officers lead throughout the weeks. It was a team scavenger hunt that consisted of clues leading to new team activities. It was the start of a big day! That night we had the banquet, talent show, and dance. Some highlights of the banquet included the two skits by the banquet committee, a speech by Amber Siebert, and the creed performed by Mallory Pagel. Scott Vogel won the talent show with his performance in which he played his Conciertina. That night Erin, Kelsey, Jeff had reflections. They challenged the members to make the extra effort each day to make a difference and to earn others' respect by being a positive leader.

Day 5 (The Prize in the Box)

The last day came so fast and it is always tough to leave. Every member writes a letter to themselves that will sent to them in half a year. They also filled out evaluations of the camp. Then the campers make a circle for the officers to come around and say their goodbyes. After the adjournment, the campers head home and we were soon to follow. On behalf of all the officers, I would like to thank everyone who came to SGLC for making it an amazing week with a ton of memories. I hope you all are having an amazing time after camp and implement what you learned.
SLCCL in two days, I hope everyone coming is as excited as I am.

Stationed by the door,
Justin Crowley

Friday, July 2, 2010

NLCSO in the great state of Iowa!

June 22 found us traveling down to Ankeny, Iowa, for the National Leadership Conference for State Officers. While en route, Jason, Justin, and I found out that Iowa has a state tree (corn), road construction has a very exact process, and that Mr. Ertl worries if people will spill and especially does not like using roundabouts properly. Other than learning more about our Executive Secretary, we also gained many skills and pieces of knowledge that we were excited to put into practice at Greenhand Camp.

Upon arrival, we met state officers from South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska. Soon after, we had the opportunity to begin getting to know Levy Randolph and Chase Rose, the National President and National Central Region Vice President. Levy and Chase ran the four day conference for the 34 state officers that were excited to learn more about how we could make a difference throughout our year of service. The very first day also had one more surprise; we met the famed National FFA Advisor, Dr. Case. Believe it or not, that smile that you see in pictures and at National Convention is only the surface of a man who has spent 26 years stationed by the owl.
Along with meeting many people we also spent the week learning about how we work as a team, not just a group as individuals. We covered how to create synergy, the stages of team development and what may be potential barriers to being a team, planning workshops, trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and facilitation. To end our time at NLCSO, we held a banquet to celebrate all we had learned throughout the week. Since we needed a little time to unwind, we spent the night in an Iowa movie theater, surrounded by corn, taking in the thoughts of 18 year old Andy's toys and their struggles to begin a new life. That's right- We watched Toy Story 3, and highly suggest it to anyone looking to apply lessons on leadership in a little different way.

When Friday came, we were all disappointed to have to say goodbye so soon, but extremely excited to put what we had just learned into action. We finished putting final details on planning for State Greenhand Leadership Conference and began looking forward to welcoming campers. We are excited to meet each one of you!

Stationed by the ear of corn,
Erin Daninger
MN FFA State Secretary