Early this last week, I traveled up to Staples-Motley High School to be a part of the RLC in Region II. After spending a night at my Grandma's house and eating some great food I got up early Wednesday morning to get ready for my presentation that day. About thirty chapter officers from across the region were in attendance. I was first on the agenda for the day of fun and learning with a presentation on recruitment. The rest of the day included Dustin Smith, former Region II President, presenting on State Degrees and SAEs, team building activities, breakout sessions, an awesome lunch, and so much more. It was a great opportunity to catch up with some members that came to SGLC or SLCCL and make some new friends. Thank you Region II for inviting me up for this event, I had a great time!
Minnesota FFA Foundation Golf Tournament (July 22)
Last Thursday, Liz, Kirsten, Erin, and myself traveled to Cannon Falls for the annual Golf Tournament held by the FFA Foundation. Several officers from Region VIII were there to help as well; Shawna, Heather, and Jared. Upon arriving we were sent out to fill the golf carts with goodies including some free golf balls and tees and a sack lunch. The participants in the Tournament included a variety of sponsors and supporters of FFA. After everyone had arrived some of us were sent to holes where we talked to sponsors and offered them deals. For example, Liz and I were at hole 16 and we gave golfers the chance to double their money. They could give us five dollars and if they made it on the green in one shot they would get ten dollars back, but if they did not make it on the green we would keep the five. There were many other contests for the golfers including longest drive and closest to the pin. After the golfing was done there was a banquet with a dinner. Trophies and awards were given out along with a raffle of many cool items. But before we drove to the banquet hall Liz, Jared, and I had to hit a few off the tee on the driving range and I ended up splattered with mud. The whole day was a blast!!
New U of M President (July 27)
Erin and I had the privilege of going to Kevin Paap's, President of Minnesota Farm Bureau, house for a meeting of the state board for Farm Bureau and many people from the agricultural industry. Kevin invited two of the Board of Regents to his house along with the Dean of CFANS (College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Al Levine, to discuss what agriculture needs/wants in the new U of M President to be decided upon this fall. First was the Farm Bureau asking questions and giving their input while the Board of Regents and the Dean were speaking. Next representatives from a variety of industries within agriculture arrived including MN Turkey Growers, MN Corn Growers, and MN Pork Producers among many others. Erin and I were there to listen to the discussion and it was a great opportunity to meet with a variety of people within agriculture. It was really interesting to learn about the process for selecting the new U of M President and what qualities they are looking for. Plus Erin and I met some awesome peop
One more thing! -- I would also like to mention that is has been fun helping the HLWW FFA members landscape at our high school for our summer program.
Farmfest is this week! Hope to see a lot of you there!
Stationed by the Door,
Justin Crowley
Erin and I had the privilege of going to Kevin Paap's, President of Minnesota Farm Bureau, house for a meeting of the state board for Farm Bureau and many people from the agricultural industry. Kevin invited two of the Board of Regents to his house along with the Dean of CFANS (College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Al Levine, to discuss what agriculture needs/wants in the new U of M President to be decided upon this fall. First was the Farm Bureau asking questions and giving their input while the Board of Regents and the Dean were speaking. Next representatives from a variety of industries within agriculture arrived including MN Turkey Growers, MN Corn Growers, and MN Pork Producers among many others. Erin and I were there to listen to the discussion and it was a great opportunity to meet with a variety of people within agriculture. It was really interesting to learn about the process for selecting the new U of M President and what qualities they are looking for. Plus Erin and I met some awesome peop
One more thing! -- I would also like to mention that is has been fun helping the HLWW FFA members landscape at our high school for our summer program.
Farmfest is this week! Hope to see a lot of you there!
Stationed by the Door,
Justin Crowley