
FFA members give of their time and talents to grow the next generation of agriculturalists.
State FFA Convention - May 1-3, 2011.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Chapter Visit....What a day! :-)

Freshman Above
Sophmores Below

I woke up at the crack of dawn today, because I could not sleep anymore. Today was my first chapter visit as a State Officer. I was as nervous as can be! My partner fell ill and I was left solo! Thank goodness my younger brother, Jameson, stepped in otherwise I may have fallen apart.

I had the privilege to visit the Worthington FFA Chapter and spend roughly 90 minutes with a few sophomores and freshman. I was even able to meet some of Worthington's chapter officers and speak to the Floriculture class.

Right away at 8:00 am, Jameson and I met with our first class, the sophomores. To begin our visit, Jameson and I said a couple of words like, Football and Hannah Montana and asked what thoughts came to mind as the heard these words. We then moved on to say these four phrases, "Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve." Now some of you reading this have already recognized that as the FFA motto. For those of you who didn't know, you just learned something new. :-) Next we had four groups present a skit about their phrase (see all the pictures from today on my Facebook page). To emphasis service, we played the clothespin game and at first tried to get rid of all our clothespins then the second time tried to get as many as we could.

Next we played follow the leader, Minefield Game (which was one of their favorites), and finished off the visit with the classic egg drop. Only one of the four groups eggs survived this project (see pictures via Facebook!). To wrap up the sophomore visit my brother and I encouraged the Worthington students to attend State Leadership Camp for Chapter Leaders (SLCCL) this summer. I had a FANTASTIC time with these people and would go back in a heart beat! They were so well behaved and receptive to whatever I had them do. I believe after today these sophomores have a better understanding of communication, leadership styles, and service.

Now later on in the afternoon, my brother and I were given another opportunity to present to the freshman! We had less time this round, but once again i had a BLAST! The freshman were so mature and willing to participate. To kick off their visit, we began with a paper airplane that had three things written on it that they liked about camp, and one thing they didn't like about camp. Once we had this written down, we folded it into an airplane and threw them across the room (check out the pictures on Facebook). After that, everyone picked up one airplane and we read what was written on them. After this, the freshman were also able to play the clothespin game with the same rules and point to it. After this hilarious activity we sat back down and began to build their egg models. We had five groups this time, with the same supplies as the sophomores, yet we had four of the five groups eggs survive the drop test. THAT WAS AWESOME! (see pictures on Facebook). These kids were extremely creative. In the process of cleaning up the egg mess the wind picked up and splattered egg yoke all over my legs, skirt and jacket. (This was an extremely messy clean-up and I have one picture on Facebook). To finish off the day, Jameson and I had some "Peanut Butter Jelly Time."

Jameson and I loved these freshman. At the end of the day we were given the most amazing chapter T-shirts and I cannot wait to wear mine! ( I will probably have it on tomorrow (Friday)). Every single one of these students were stellar. I am so happy Ms. Yarger allowed me to come in and present to them. They were such a great group and I am thrilled that they were my first chapter visit. I saw they had a ton of activities planned for this summer including a grill out and camps and I wish them the best of luck with their year. I cannot wait to see some of those students again at SGLC or SLCCL in a month or two.

All in all...thank-you Worthington FFA Chapter for such a wonderful experience! I hope you invite me or fellow officers over again soon!

Stationed by the Emblem of Washington,
Maddie Collin

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