
FFA members give of their time and talents to grow the next generation of agriculturalists.
State FFA Convention - May 1-3, 2011.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

#1 Gopher Fan.

After spending the day
celebrating 10 years of the CHS Miracle of Birth Center
with amazing farm families and veterinarians,
meeting more cool fair-goers,
watching the super legit ag magic show,
and eating corn on the cob for supper,
we had the privilege to meet
Bob Bruininks the President
of the University of Minnesota.
That is...after we finally realized the guy
in all the Gopher gear was him!

As current and future Gophers, we were very excited to meet the man who has been such an instrumental part of making the University of Minnesota what it is, being a part of the faculty for over 40 years. A true Gopher, through and through, President Bruininks and his wife Susan were walking around the CHS Miracle of Birth Center with their grandchildren, enjoying one of the many sites of the State Fair.

FFA members, meeting President Bruininks was an awesome experience for Eric, Justin, and Liz because, as we said earlier, when we first saw him...we just thought he was another hardcore Gopher fan. As we started to talk to him, we could sense the passion he had for the University and the students he serves. For him, being the #1 Gopher Fan goes right down to his core, just as the FFA goes straight down to ours. When President Bruininks dons that maroon and gold hat or when we zip up our corduroy jackets, we are representing organizations that are close to our hearts. Keep in mind that in or out of those blue jackets, we are still representing the FFA and being agricultural education's #1 Advocate.

So next time someone stops and asks you about the emblem on the back of your jacket or the cow you're showing at the fair, take a little time out of your day and share what is important to you with them.

We're 1/3 of the way done with the State Fair...this means there are 8 days left of the Great Minnesota Get Together....8 days to catch up with the State Officer Team at the FFA Chapter House and Leadership Center!

Enjoy these last few days of summer!

Stationed by the door leading to the plow,

JC and LIZ

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