
FFA members give of their time and talents to grow the next generation of agriculturalists.
State FFA Convention - May 1-3, 2011.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sharing your message.


The Minnesota FFA Officer Team
had the opportunity last week to learn
how to share our message with the public about
agriculture, agricultural education, and FFA.

So in the spirit of SOUNDBITES, here's what kept us busy last week in the Twin Cities...
  • Learning more about our teammates while scavenger hunting in Barnes and Noble
  • Picnic-ing and connecting with Metro Area FFA Alumni & Friends, our families, and our mentors - as well as reuniting with our Region Presidents!
  • Meeting CHS Miracle of Birth Center staff and barnyard attendants who will spend the duration of State Fair with our team

  • Practicing communication techniques with Donna Moenning of the Midwest Dairy Association that will come in handy while meeting Fair Goers at State Fair

  • Eating breakfast with the Executive Team of AgriBank and hearing about the people behind one of the MN FFA Association's great partners (SHOUT OUT to Becca Morris and her awesome social media training we had earlier this summer!)

  • Planning our chapter visits that will take place in late September with the Region 7 & 8 Officer Teams.

Minnesota FFA Members,
if someone were to ask you
what FFA is...what would you say?

How would you share your message about the organization that makes a positive difference in the lives of students like YOU and I by developing our potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education? How would you explain your role in agriculture or agricultural education?

An elevator ride is maybe 30 seconds long.
Let's say you get in an elevator wearing your blue corduroy jacket
and someone asks you,
"Why are you dressed like that?"


Communicating our personal messages is essential to the future of our organization. As you show animals at the State Fair or go out on a corn drive this fall, tell people who you are and what you represent.

It is up to us to make sure that it is a bright future.

Stop by the CHS Miracle of Birth Center
at the State Fair and say hello to the MN FFA Officers!
We'd love to hear what you and your chapter has in the works
as you begin your new school year.

Hope to see you all at the State Fair!
Stationed by the plow,

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